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Troy Golba’s Avatar

Troy Golba

Training Manager & Adult Educator
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Austin, Texas
28 Answers
79316 Reads
166 Karma


Civic Duty

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<p>Passionate, fun, people first orientated professional that truly enjoys helping younger people with sound advice with the best of my ability. Feel free to shoot me some good questions and I'll be happy to give you a clear (sometimes concise) hahaha answer! </p>


Troy’s Career Stories

When you were a student, did you do anything outside of school to build skills or get knowledge that has helped your career?

Absolutely! Joining the Small Business Association, American Red Cross, and helping professors as a teachers assistant were all very beneficial to my success. Practicing public speaking and being a mentor for freshman in the course was so beneficial. I also had the pleasure of playing NCAA College Football for Central Michigan University which helped my mentoring and coaching skills. I was able to tutor teammates and help them obtain thier college degree!

Did anyone ever oppose your career plans when you were young or push you in a direction you did not want to go?

Of course, my own parents would sometimes question the courses I was taking asking things like what are you going to do with that? Friends sometimes trying to pull me in the medical or law enforcement field, and even recruiters trying to bring me in fields that were not for me. It can be dizzying when everyone is trying to pull you in different directions. However, it's your life! :) Stand tall and walk your path of passion. For me it was business, training, and communications! I couldn't be happier with my life now and listening and being honest with myself was the way to the bright path!

What is the biggest challenge you had to overcome to get to where you are now professionally? How did you overcome it?

Mean, rude, bad bosses/leaders!! Even in college! There were a handful of toxic leaders that would be very negative towards me and my path. I would beat them at their own game by staying, passing, finishing the job incredibly and taking my passion further. Just as important are the great leaders, mentors and co workers/students/people in your life that bring you up. Hold onto them they are your rescue group that will take you to new levels. They know what your going through. :)

What is the most useful piece of career advice you got as a student, and who gave it to you?

- Be honest with yourself. It was given to me by a man on an airplane as he was heading to the Middle East to give guidance to our troops.

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

Go for a passion that is fun, gives a good level of challenge to keep it interesting and doesn't feel like work. Make mistakes, try out as many fields as you want. (But then find out there are many employers that will pay you great to do just that.)

How did you pick your career? Did you know all along?

I tried many different fields during and after college so I could really get a true feel for them. Some were not good for me until I tried being a substitute teacher, and loved it and it took off 5 years later I'm now a Training Manager for a Nonprofit that does incredible works! :)

In layperson terms, what do you actually do at work?

Design and create incredible presentations to deliver. With these I use them to coach and bring high effiency to the other people in the organization. I travel from place to place consulting and listening to site managers overseeing and helping them all be their best. I help people :)

When did you get your first Big Break? How did you get it? How did it go?

My first big break was getting a contract as a full time Business Teacher at a high school here in Austin. I got hired by a great leader that really took me in and taught me a lot. I got it by having a confident interview with having lots of background in teaching and demonstrating that and answering their questions openly and responsively. It went very well that year and has led to an even greater path!

How did you start building your network?

In high school and college through friends, professors, coaches etc. Then I moved to Texas by myself and slowly started other ventures meeting great team members and managers along the way. Establishing great relations, starting my own small business and utilizing linked in my network of great people has started to grow.

How did you start building your network?

In high school and college through friends, professors, coaches etc. Then I moved to Texas by myself and slowly started other ventures meeting great team members and managers along the way. Establishing great relations, starting my own small business and utilizing linked in my network of great people has started to grow.

What is it like when your job gets tough?

Lots of studying contracts, meetings, phone calls, appointments and communication. But as a wise man said that is good to have those problems otherwise the employer wouldn't need you. :)