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Simeon Snow’s Avatar

Simeon Snow

Risk Assurance
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Houston, Texas
1792 Answers
1804582 Reads
722 Karma


Civic Duty

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Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Mar 26, 2014 1607 views

is It Hard to balance a job and high school at the same time?

I dont play sports of any kind i'm in high school and wondering if having a job may feel like i would fall behind in my classes
#job #high-school

Sofie’s Avatar
Sofie Mar 12, 2014 6081 views

Is it a good idea to get a job while you're in high school?

I am a junior in high school who is unsure if getting a job is a good idea while in school or not? #money #job #high-school

Kira’s Avatar
Kira Nov 05, 2020 510 views

I just started to think about it

I'm a 10th grader in high school and I don't know what I want to do for a job. #job #high-school Some of my interest include working out, playing games, and cooking.

Katarina’s Avatar
Katarina Feb 24, 2021 454 views

How was the application and college process?

I´m a junior in high school and I´m still trying to figure out what I want to do in college and what colleges to go to. #high-school #job #major

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Feb 21, 2020 730 views

How do I determine what I want to do with my life?

I don't want anything that has to do with the law or blood. I like something more on the artistic side. #artistic #dreamjob #highschool #job #career

Hoang’s Avatar
Hoang May 10, 2020 1220 views

How to get internship these days?

#internship #technology #computer-science #engineering #computer-science I am a Computer Engineering - Computer Science student, now looking for my internship for Fall.
"Working hard and achieve your dream"

Willian’s Avatar
Willian Mar 21, 2020 1022 views

I Would like to know, What do I need to do in order to get an Internship?

I am just a Dreamer , moved to the San Francisco Bay Area 3 Years ago looking for opportunities, improve myself acquiring as much knowledge as possible and a better environment to create network plus a career in the technology industry. #technology #internship #career #computer #engineering

Ash’s Avatar
Ash Aug 11, 2020 824 views

How can I promote/market my artwork so it will get noticed?

Trying to get into the art world. Art and painting is my passion. #fine-art #the-arts #art #artist #artists #painter #painting

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Jan 22, 2021 511 views

Is a Master Degree required to become a Social Worker?

#licensed #social-work

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Jan 20, 2018 1001 views

Being a student athlete?

I'm starting college in Fall 2018, and I'm going to be playing Division 1 soccer at the school. I was just wondering if anyone has advice or any tips that would help with time management?
#sports #soccer #time-management #life-balance

Quinton’s Avatar
Quinton Jul 23, 2016 883 views

What are the best way to balance sports and education?

I want to know some ways people have gone about balancing sports and studying during high school as sometimes i feel like I'm unable to do both at the same time. #sports #school #time-management

Devon’s Avatar
Devon Jan 22, 2021 511 views

What are helpful ways to manage my time with school and sports going on at the same time?

I have a busy schedule everyday with school and basketball going on so it is hard to have time for other things at the en of the day. #school #sports

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian Apr 16, 2019 768 views

If my strenghts are having great communication and I'm very outgoing, what types of carees or industries might best fit me?

What other strengths or experiences might I need for the suggested careers? #careers #career #business #job #career-choice

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Mar 18, 2021 632 views

how should i start my marketing career.

#careers #career-choice #career #business

Paola’s Avatar
Paola Jan 10, 2018 1006 views

What are the different experiences from job interviews?

I am a junior. I am interested in the different perspectives of those who have gone to job interviews, either it is a career interview or a regular job interview is fine. #job-search #career #user-experience #interviews #interviewing-skills