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Investigative Analytics
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Tysons, Virginia
9 Answers
9032 Reads
2 Karma

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Wendy’s Avatar
Wendy May 26, 2016 750 views

What are some good career choices if I want to study about the environment and how to make it better?

Because I am indecisive on whether my intended major should be environmental science or environmental engineering. I would just like to go into a field where I would be finding ways to make our environment better and lower our carbon footprint. Also I would like a major that would allow me to...

Nim’s Avatar
Nim Aug 02, 2016 1154 views

What´s the salary of an engineer in logistics?

I´m student of engineerig logistics... #engineering #engineer #financial-planning

Quan’s Avatar
Quan Apr 10, 2019 1098 views

how can i make easy money?

im 13 years old i dont know what to do when i grow up. im still deciding on what to do for my future career. theres plenty of thing to become but i dont know what to be. i need ideas on what should i become. bealive it or not im actually good at mudding drywall but i dont want to be a...

Megan’s Avatar
Megan May 18, 2018 979 views

What is the first few steps one would take to step out as a consultant in your field?

I plan on becoming a consultant after grad school. #law #consultant #management

Gunjan’s Avatar
Gunjan Feb 27, 2021 855 views

Regarding job Search

Hi All, I have a question for a Job search. I am searching for a job from last 9 months but I didn't get any success. 1. I have updated my profile in Linkdin,Indeed and other job search website. 2. Later I am refreshing the details every one week so profile will be in updated status. 3. I have...

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy May 12, 2020 3875 views

What's a good coding language to start with?

It's part of my major, I want to start now learning it, so it will be easy to understand when classes open again?

#computer #major #information-technology #technology #computer-software #coding #codingcamp #bootcamp #COVID19 #career #college #student

kanika’s Avatar
kanika May 05, 2016 1331 views

What is Transport Engineering?

Hi I am kani. #engineer #teaching #engineering #mechanical-engineering #science #career #career-counseling

Samira’s Avatar
Samira Feb 26, 2021 788 views

Everyone says I have so much potential to do serious jobs (e.g lawyer) so I need help from you.

As I am always top of class and like learning new things, my family says I’d be good for serious jobs like being a lawyer that will get me lots of money. I agree with them as top paid jobs are in this field. But at the same time, I want to be a dancer, actress and a model for my passions ....

T’s Avatar
T Mar 02, 2021 1082 views

My grades are pretty good and i want to go to college but i dont know what i want to do. I like technology and business stuff but i just dont know

I like science and technology i also believe im persuasive so l like being able to defend something or try to turn a tide in my favor. I also like business aspects of things #Technology #business #curious