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Mark Williams’s Avatar

Mark Williams

Director of Global Information Services, Dell
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Pflugerville, Texas
21 Answers
68684 Reads
201 Karma


Civic Duty

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Onias’s Avatar
Onias May 24, 2016 2261 views

Do you agree with the statement, "Not everybody should go to college, but everyone needs to get an education of some sort"?

A teacher once told my class this no I wasn't too sure if I agree or not. #business #engineer #law #economics #general #mechanics

Javonte’s Avatar
Javonte May 24, 2016 1304 views

How long did you have to go to school?

I don't want to be in school for ever. #engineer #tech #scientist

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah May 24, 2016 1160 views

What are the different types of math would I need to get acquainted with if I'm looking to go into Computer Science?

Computer Science is the major that I intend to find a career in. Because I know that there are many different types of math that come into play in the field of Computer Science, I want to know what I should be prepared to study. #college #computer-science #computer-engineering

Juan’s Avatar
Juan May 24, 2016 1711 views

can boys be a nurse?

I think i like to go nursing school but friends say its for girls #nursing

Jaclyn’s Avatar
Jaclyn May 24, 2016 914 views

What year of college is it when I should apply for any internships or coops and how do I go about getting in touch with companies that offer these types of programs?

I'm an Engineering major and want to get into Engineering Management. Not sure when to start looking into these programs #college #professor #manager

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 26, 2016 30198 views

What is the hardest thing about being a manager?

I've always wanted to be a leader. I want to manage a large team of people in my career. I think I have what it takes to inspire a team to work hard but i'm also nervous about having this kind of responsibility. What would you say is the hardest thing about managing people and why?