Rua Al-Sharif
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what will be the best place to sell my designs?
just a thought #graphic-design

What does an average day look like for a graphic designer?
I am thinking about becoming a graphic designer #design #graphic-design #web-design #3d-design

What are some other things that graphic organizers have to create?
#graphic-design #graphic-designer

What kind of career(s) integrate math and/or science with art?
I am currently a sophomore in high school and am really interested in art. Although I would like to be able to just focus on art in the future, it sounds too risky to try to make a living by just drawing and painting. I also really enjoy math and science, and would be very interested in...

What are some of the difficult things about being a graphic designer?
I would like to know what are some of the difficult things about being a graphic designer and how to deal with these difficulties. #graphic-design

Why Design?
Hi! I just want to ask all of you designers out there, "why did you choose design?". Why did you choose it as a career path? I have always loved design but when a person asks me why I chose it, I seem to have the answer but it's stuck at the back of my mind. I am hoping to have some insights so...

How to prepare for a job interview in graphic design?
I want to have a graphic design career, and need to know how to prepare for it. #graphic-design

What are the common programs you have to learn to be a graphic designer?
#graphic-design #graphic-designer