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Carly Wood’s Avatar

Carly Wood

Product Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mountain View, California
4 Answers
7372 Reads
11 Karma

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Paajcha Julie’s Avatar
Paajcha Julie Jun 01, 2021 3703 views

How to deal with poor leadership?

Without giving too much information away, I’m dealing with a boss who isn’t the greatest when it comes to leadership skills. I work online as a scouter for deals, meaning I search online for discounts, and I’m technically an independent contractor. When I first got the job, I asked many...

Autumn’s Avatar
Autumn Jan 23, 2018 2118 views

What is the best way to prepare for a job interview?

I would like to start practicing now so after college I'll be a pro and can hopefully land a great job #jobinterviews

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Jun 08, 2021 1208 views

If I have the option for science AP courses in highschool, that will be required for a possible major in college, should I take those classes?

For example an AP biology class or AP chem, or maybe AP anatomy.
#classes #science #college-major #college #college-admissions

McKenzie’s Avatar
McKenzie Jun 08, 2021 666 views

When looking for colleges that best fit me and my career goals what should I be looking for?

#college-advice #college-major