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Akshata Goudar’s Avatar

Akshata Goudar

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
7 Answers
6484 Reads
52 Karma


Citizen Patrol

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Lee’s Avatar
Lee Oct 24, 2021 941 views

I would like to know some decent jobs for commerce field?

Now I've finished my SSLC and was eagerly waiting for admissions. First of all my dream was to become a Pharmacist and due to the current pandamic, we didn't have exams and my score was not good and not above 85% So now I think of taking commerce stream and I need to find a quite decent...

Emely’s Avatar
Emely Nov 02, 2021 772 views

Any websites that are good for a high schooler that is looking into coding?

Im in 11th grade and i've recently gotten interested in coding #coding #computer #technology

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Nov 03, 2021 575 views

Where can i find more info about college beside my schoo?

#college #college-advice #college-selection #career #college-bound

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Nov 03, 2021 542 views

does college have good coding classes

#studying-tips #coding #college

Aditi’s Avatar
Aditi Aug 30, 2021 596 views

suggestions for choosing a stable and fun field which has a lot of scope.

A ninth grader who has only another year to choose the field , an b+ student . #career

A’s Avatar
A Jun 22, 2021 562 views

I want to pursue nanotech for my higher studies.. help me. I'm now a student.

I want to be an Nanotechnologist but don't know how to go through.. #engineer

Eileen’s Avatar
Eileen Jun 20, 2021 2514 views

Is it possible to get a good job in Computer Science without a strong network?

I know how important networking is in getting the best jobs out there with a CS degree, however, I'm not the best at talking to or keeping up with people. #computer-science #job-search #career #network #networking #job