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Samantha Kurtz’s Avatar

Samantha Kurtz

14 Answers
13374 Reads
11 Karma
Cameron’s Avatar
Cameron Nov 08, 2021 1112 views

College Options?

I don't do very good in school but want to go to college. What are my best options? #college

Andres’s Avatar
Andres Nov 08, 2021 1653 views

what are the first things you should when you are attending your first year of college.

#college #student # #college-advice

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Nov 08, 2021 748 views

What are some things I should know when living in dorms or on my own?

What are some things that aren’t discussed as much when moving out?

Genesis’s Avatar
Genesis Nov 14, 2021 1303 views

How do i get more information about college other than school?

#college #college-advice #college-admissions #help #college-admissions #college-bound #help

Katrina’s Avatar
Katrina Nov 05, 2021 1286 views

How stressful is college?

I'm going to college soon and I want to know how stressful it is going to be. #college

Junxi’s Avatar
Junxi Nov 05, 2021 877 views

after high school do you think is the best idea to continue to college or take a year off

#high-school #college #college-admissions #college-major #student

Garvin’s Avatar
Garvin Nov 05, 2021 872 views

Is College Important ?

I’m currently a senior at Burton High School #college-advice #college

izaiah’s Avatar
izaiah Nov 05, 2021 459 views

How did the college life affect your school work relationships and family members

I wondering how college will be fore me and wanna gather other peoples experience to get a idea how college life is #College

Laverna’s Avatar
Laverna Nov 06, 2021 471 views

What are some information or tips I should know before applying to private schools?

#college #privateschool

hannah’s Avatar
hannah Sep 23, 2021 533 views

What kind of clothes do you have to wear when taking pictures?

I am a 11 grade student in high school #student

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 02, 2021 1481 views

What is the most difficult part of being a college student?

In what ways are college different compared to high school, how exactly does college impact or change you?

#student #college #college-advice #college-bound

Jabari’s Avatar
Jabari Nov 02, 2021 875 views

College work load?

#college #college-advice #student

Rondhel’s Avatar
Rondhel Nov 02, 2021 615 views

What is majoring in Psychology like?

I'm currently interested in Psychology. What are some standard knowledge I should know.
#psychology #college #college-major

Lindsay ’s Avatar
Lindsay May 24, 2016 836 views

Any advice on rising my gpa or getting high test scores

I am a rising senior #college