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Trisa Thompson’s Avatar

Trisa Thompson

Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility at Dell Inc.
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
18 Answers
39867 Reads
211 Karma


Civic Duty

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Shakuan’s Avatar
Shakuan May 26, 2016 1035 views

Why is it important to consider smaller colleges that are not commonly mentioned or are less popular than, say, Ivy League institutions?

Many prospective college students aim to apply to colleges with a name that is popular and more known. However, experts mention that smaller colleges can provide the same, or better, environment for students to learn. May someone clarify how this can be? #college #education #learning-environment

Camille ’s Avatar
Camille Jun 03, 2016 928 views

If I plan to go to law school a few years after graduation and I am a rising senior now, what should I be doing now to prepare for applying?

I want to take a break and get work experience before I apply. I am a little worried about recommendations and whether waiting a couple years is fine. #attorney

Kaylyn’s Avatar
Kaylyn May 25, 2016 4673 views

What aspect of college is the most challenging?

As a student in 11th grade, I am currently thinking about my future and what path to take (Colleges). I have a very high GPA, and impressive leadership resume. I take education very seriously and often stress about college and what it will be like. Financially, socially, academically etc… what...

Shoshannah’s Avatar
Shoshannah May 21, 2016 1352 views

If i want to get my PHD, and I am graduating from High School this year, how and when should I begin to study for the MCAT's?

I want to be come a Psychiatrist, hopefully one that specializes in developmental psychiatry. I know that if I must become a psychiatrist i have to go into medical school which of course will take me many years until i get my PHD. I know i have a lot of work ahead of me, and i just want to be...

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia May 25, 2016 2954 views

While in college, is it possible to balance a social life, extra-curricular activities (such as student government), a part-time job AND maintain a 4.0 GPA? Or is a 4.0 even a realistic goal?

In high school, I am pretty involved my various activities (NHS, sports, job, youth group, music, etc.), but still manage to keep a 4.0 GPA. A few of my friends who are currently in college, who had a 4.0 in high school, talk about how difficult to keep even a 3.8, much less 4.0. #college...

Rhitney’s Avatar
Rhitney May 16, 2016 1078 views

I have a deep passion for kids and I love to help others but I am not sure if Pre-Med is where I belong. Are there other pediatric majors I should be looking at?

I am not sure if medicine is exactly what I would like to do #pre-med #pediatrics

Madison’s Avatar
Madison May 18, 2016 1262 views

What is the job market like for people with environmental studies degrees?

After college, what kind of place will I be in job wise? #college-major #job-market #environment

Gabisile’s Avatar
Gabisile May 17, 2016 989 views

Public Relations ;social Responsilbility

i am 22 yrs old and am studying public relations diploma part-time as i work full time to pay for my fees.I want to know what can i do to to find my entry level job in the field as i wish to be more in the Social responsibility facets to help uplift the lives of communities and to create...

Kate’s Avatar
Kate May 12, 2016 1273 views

To what extent is accounting an international job?

I would like to know if I could find an accounting job that incorporates traveling the world. #accounting

Jarielys’s Avatar
Jarielys May 15, 2016 919 views

I feel like the hardest part if being a vet will be putting an animal down because I feel that I am not worthy of taking their life. Does that feeling get easier along the way or am I just going to deal with it?

I feel like I will do anything that I'm able to do to rescue a life. #veterinarian

Anudari’s Avatar
Anudari May 16, 2016 1242 views

What are some dos and don'ts for an intern's first week at work?

What are some good habits, skills, and appreciations that are great to show your employer on the first week? How do you impress them, and how can I do well without causing any problems? What are some of your tips? and what mistakes have you made or has an intern made that you would recommend...

Cara-Ann’s Avatar
Cara-Ann May 16, 2016 1406 views

What are some potential careers/jobs available for students with a major in Public Relations/Communications, specifically in PA?

In college, I plan to major in Public Relations this Fall in the state of Pennsylvania! I know it is difficult to find a job in today's society, and I'm aware the rate of jobs available for college graduates have been decreasing over time. However, I have hope that something can change. I'd...

Shelby’s Avatar
Shelby May 13, 2016 1176 views

Is a major in Political Sciences just as good as a major in Criminal Justice for a Pre-Law path?

I have participated in Law and Public Safety classes for the past three years at my high school and plan to become a criminal prosecution attorney #law #political

m’s Avatar
m May 16, 2016 1129 views

what is the use of science subject

what is science #science

Marco’s Avatar
Marco Sep 01, 2015 10492 views

What jobs could I obtain with a degree in Social Work, Communication, and International Relations?

I want to be able to find careers in my local community or internationally with these three desired majors. #major #work #social