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Nathan Weddle’s Avatar

Nathan Weddle

Lead Software Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Portland, Oregon
4 Answers
4091 Reads
2 Karma

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Girls’s Avatar
Girls Feb 28 1007 views

I’ve also been wondering about the tech industry. What kind of skills or experience should someone focus on if they’re looking to break into a career in software development ?

Are there any specific languages or tools that are a must to learn? Any insight would be appreciated.

Marlo’s Avatar
Marlo Jul 12, 2024 1800 views

There are 5 tracks in Merit Amrica, but I am not sure which one to choose. IT support, UX design, data analytics, Java development, and cyber security. I want to choose the one that has the best opportunities in the future and what each one does. Could you help me with that?

Hey, After I graduate from highschool I plan on applying for Merit America to get tech training and experience. I cannot afford to go to college. I do not think it is worth it. All I need is a high school degree. There are 5 tracks, but I am not sure which one to choose. IT support, UX design,...

Devin’s Avatar
Devin Mar 18, 2019 1501 views

What is your daily routine as a Software Developer?

#Software Developer #technology

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Feb 16, 2018 1020 views

What are some tips for getting into dental school?

#orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-practice #career #career-choice #career-counseling #job-search #career-path #careers #job #college #college-major #college-advice #college #college-admissions #college-major #college-advice #biochemistry #biology #chemistry...