John Rooney

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From where should I study for AP CSA?
As a 16 year old from India, I do not wish to take classes for this subject because they are not aligning with my school examination schedule. So are there any free resources on the web from where I can prep for this exam (like Khan academy for SAT)?

How do I get an opportunity to intern in one of the Big Four accounting firms?
I am currently majoring in Accounting and I will be a Junior next semester (Fall 2019). I am really interested in interning in one of the Big Four (KPMG, YE, PWC, and Deloitte). There are locations near me and I have started applying to two of them, but what do these firms look for in a...

What are the tips to become an accountant
#accountant #accounting #business

Is this job getting you a high paying salary or is that something you are not happy with?
#salary #financial-planning #money #accounting #scholarship

What college major should I choose if I'm interest at engineering?
What college major should I choose if I'm interest at engineering?

How is an auditing career different from what students will learn about in school?
I am an Accountancy & Finance student graduating this May. I was in a short internship in external auditing and it was an experience totally different from what I envisioned while still schooling. Unfortunately my time there was shortened because of Covid 19. Hope to hear more from your...

How extendable is the practice of Accounting in the real world, aside from bookkeeping?
Where else, aside from the big four or an accounting department can I work with a degree in Accounting #accountant #banker #cpa #business

How do I stay true to my ethical beliefs and stay honest under pressure?
This is part of our professionals series

What is a day in the life of an accountant look like for someone ?
I am a high school student looking for advice for a school project.

What education and experience path leads to consulting?
To #consultants : how did you get to where you are? After you are successful in a field, do you become a consultant to help others? Do you take a second job? #consulting #management-consulting

Does anybody have any tips or advice for phone interviews with investment firms?
I'm a college student majoring in English/Economics, and I have a phone interview with an REIT/Asset Management firm. I was wondering if anybody had any advice for how business/finance interviews are usually conducted. How much of a technical background should I be expected to have, and...

What is the best way to network in consulting?
Is it best to set up a zoom or meet for coffee? Do most consultants respond to cold emails or should I try to connect with them on LinkedIn?

How to Find the Perfect Career for Me
What is the best way to find which career path is the best fit for me?

How did you know your career was the right one for you?
How did you know the job you were working was going to be your ultimate career?