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Alyssa Browning’s Avatar

Alyssa Browning

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
14 Answers
10095 Reads
21 Karma


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Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Nov 13 671 views

Shadowing opportunities for med students?

How can medical students find shadowing opportunities that are not with faculty from their school? #Fall24

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jun 04 685 views

How can I work while being in Medical School?

I am concerned about the financial burdens while still being in school, and while debt can't be avoided for me, I need to know if it is plausible to work while at medical school.

Aeriel’s Avatar
Aeriel May 20 1119 views

What is the pathway I need to take to become an Anesthesiologist ?

What major do I need to take in college? Do I need med school? Approximately how long would it take for me to become an Anesthesiologist?

Ruqiah’s Avatar
Ruqiah Apr 24 821 views

Is going to medical school worth it?

Is going to medical school worth it? I really wanna go but it seams super difficult. Are all medical degrees 7+ year? How long does it take to be a pharmacist?

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Apr 18 950 views

Does having medical work experience help with admissions into medical school If so are there ones more preferable than others like doing phlebotomy or emt??

I want to do something that will be productive over the summer as a pre-med student but I am kind of lost since I wasn't able to secure research during the school year so I want to at least try working in the medical field as an intern, volunteer, or get certified.

Adama’s Avatar
Adama Apr 13 588 views

What are your tips for a rising high school senior who wants to go to medical school?

I’m a junior soon to be senior
I’m interested in anesthesiology

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jan 17 651 views

What are the requirements to get into medical school and how long it would take to meet those requirements and how long medical school would take. I want to do plastic surgery. ?

I am 15 and in 9th grade and I would like to go to the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. I live in Missouri now.

Enzo’s Avatar
Enzo Dec 01, 2023 1464 views

Where is it possible to shadow an anesthesiologist in Columbus, Ohio, as a 15-year-old?

Where is it possible to shadow an anesthesiologist in Columbus, Ohio, as a 15-year-old? I have been looking at places; however, it does not seem like there are any opportunities near me in Columbus. If someone is willing to help me, it would be greatly appreciated!

Chastity’s Avatar
Chastity Dec 01, 2023 1245 views

How can I graduate without student debt besides scholarships/grants?

I want to become a doctor/surgeon which means it's a lot of money to become one. What are some options to graduating without debt besides scholarships? Thank you!

Chastity’s Avatar
Chastity Dec 01, 2023 405 views

Whats the best options for bachelors if I am unsure of what kind of doctor I want to be?

I'm curious to what my options are before getting into med school. I have no idea what kind of doctor/surgeon I want to become yet. Thank you!

Estefany’s Avatar
Estefany Oct 03, 2023 454 views

What do during college if you want to go to Medical School?

I've been wondering how to prepare for medical school, but I am still not sure if Medical school is something I really want to do.

Reana’s Avatar
Reana Oct 05, 2023 838 views

What gpa do you need to go to med school ?

What gpa do you need to go to medical school and do you need to already know what you want to be? Also how hard is it to do anything with neurology and is it worth it?

Brady’s Avatar
Brady Oct 04, 2023 996 views

If I want to go into the medical field does it matter what college I go to?

I am a sophomore in high school and I am wondering If I am going to go into the medical field does it matter if I go to a college that is specifically known for medical things or would any college that offers the major work?

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Aug 25, 2023 808 views

Are CCP courses to get ahead in high school worth it for medschool?

I am a student taking college courses to try to earn the credits while I am still in high school