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Matheus’s Avatar
Matheus May 11, 2022 921 views

What are some career options for someone that enjoys communicating and traveling. I also value my down time to recharge.

Some careers I'm considering are finance and insurance because they involve communicating and travel, as well as data and sharing new ideas.

takiya’s Avatar
takiya May 05, 2022 802 views

Why is climatology important to society?

why is climatology important to society

Allie’s Avatar
Allie May 07, 2022 785 views

What colleges have good psychology programs?

I'm a junior about to be senior in high school and my ideas for a career has changed multiple times. Im now interested in psychology but I have no idea where to start. Id like to stay near New England so any recommendations would be great. Thanks!

Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia May 09, 2022 18756 views

What classes in college should I take to become an esthetician?

I want to prepare myself as much as possible. I'm really looking forward to this career choice. :)

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Apr 27, 2022 745 views

how much does being a Search Marketing Strategists cost?

college finance

Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Apr 28, 2022 531 views

What career teaches you about fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels is affecting people and making us sick.

Adam’s Avatar
Adam May 02, 2022 667 views

If I were to study and make a career out of coding would I be able to have free time to workout and have hobbies

I like music and would like to start song writing and I value my personal health and would like to be able to have time for workouts and I would like time for my family and friends I know I would be unreasonable for all of these things but it would be nice to be able to find time here and there...

Landon’s Avatar
Landon Apr 26, 2022 595 views

Is getting a job in IT a good idea right after college?

Interested in getting a career in the IT field.