Career questions tagged climatechange

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew anything about being a climate change analyst?
I'm in 10th grade. I want to take environmental science when I complete chemistry, but I want to know what its like to be a climate change analyst.

Why is climatology important to society?
why is climatology important to society

What careers are involved in finding solutions to climate change?
We need to save the planet from carbon emissions.

Can climate change affect the lifestyle if you don't' prepare for it?
Can climate change affect the lifestyle if you don't' prepare for it?

What are the main concerns of climatology?
What are the main concerns of climatology

What are some resources I can use to educate myself about sustainability and possibly enter the field? What are your favorites?
#field #sustainability #research #climatechange #women-in-tech

How do I narrow down focus on a career if I want to work in environmental science but also study how to mitigate its effects on society (environmental justice)?
I am a rising senior in high school and I am trying to figure out where I should apply to college and what career path I should pursue. I know I have time to decide what major, but I feel the need to focus my activities and classes on a more specific topic so my effort can go further in helping people. I am involved in environmental activism and am passionate about saving the planet. #environmental-science #activism #socialjustice #policy #datascience #environmentaljustice #climatechange #environmentalengineer

What are some job options for me if I'm interested about the environment, plastic pollution, climate change and carbon emissions? I am interested in doing hands on work.
#handson #environment #climatechange #carbon

Is global warming real?
If climate change is real, how does it affect us daily? #political-science #science #climatechange #globalwarming

Is there a bright future for hopeful environmentalists?
As I write this, I am sitting outside listening to birds singing and perfectly green trees swaying in the wind. I want to keep the trees standing and the birds chirping, but I don't know if that dream could become a stable career. Is there enough interest in the future of the earth that careers designed to protect it are paid well? #student #climatechange #recycle