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Sonal Priya’s Avatar

Sonal Priya

Product Engineer - Specialist
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Portland, Oregon
9 Answers
7939 Reads
42 Karma
trey’s Avatar
trey Jun 03, 2023 592 views

how can you make money?

how can you make money

alberto’s Avatar
alberto Nov 03, 2022 1696 views

what is the most important stuff to learn when engineering vehicles ?

engineering cars

Craig’s Avatar
Craig Nov 09, 2022 526 views

Majors in College?

What is the difference between degrees, such as Bachelors, Doctorate, Masters? #FALL2022

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Nov 01, 2022 1100 views

Going down the engineering path

What universities have the best engineering programs, and what are the best engineering majors to choose from?

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Nov 01, 2022 1513 views

Which careers are the most enjoyable?

Most enjoyable fields/jobs

Nyasia’s Avatar
Nyasia Nov 02, 2022 595 views

Procrastination and avoiding it

How can the mind avoid the thought of procrastinating?

Takrim’s Avatar
Takrim Nov 02, 2022 953 views

Procrastination ways to deal with it

1. How does a person stay consistent with anything?

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Sep 11, 2022 548 views

Any one from the states, wanna know how it is like to be an engineer there, getting employed and stuffs?

The salary rate, how scarce are engineers, or they are in abundance.

darshan’s Avatar
darshan May 02, 2016 1155 views

which is the best collage to join for engineering

I want to become an engineer #teaching #teacher #engineering #lecturer