Michelle’s Career Goals
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How to decide what career path to pursue?
I want to obtain insight on how many of you chose your college majors and decide what career path to pursue. I am soon to enter my journey to college and need to start organizing my lists, the pro's and con's of my potential careers. Some facts about me are I enjoy science, I would like to...

What is a day like as a law student; studying to be a lawyer?
I am interested into seeing if becoming a lawyer, and investing into law studies is up to my standards or values. I want to know what a day is like as a law student, the amount of work, and how to pick up a job after college. I want to know all the details, financial, social, mental etc. I am...

How should I decide what major I should take in college if I still haven´t decided on my career path?
I´m interested to know how choosing a major will impact my future, considering I haven´t decided what I´d like to do in my future. I´d appreciate being given context and clarity.

When is the best time to start looking out for scholarships, and internships?
I am interested in beginning my journey toward focusing on my future and career. I would like to get some information to manage my thoughts and plans.

What are some things I should consider when looking for a college?
If I haven´t decided what I want to study what should I look for in a college before I apply?

Career Planning
How should I begin managing my future in preparing steps to take before college and after?