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Derin Joseph’s Avatar

Derin Joseph

Software Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Grapevine, Texas
10 Answers
21038 Reads
1 Karma

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Tahmid’s Avatar
Tahmid May 28, 2023 421 views

Path to CS major?

I want to get an internship as a computer science major

Jack’s Avatar
Jack Apr 05, 2021 14951 views

What inspired you to become and engineer or another STEM related career?

#engineering #stem #material-engineering #stemcareers #electrical-engineering #chemical-engineering

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Dec 12, 2022 981 views

What's the best time to consider a career change ?

Do a lot of professionals make new goals right after the new year? #EOY22

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Dec 08, 2022 1546 views

How do I figure out what career I want to spend my life doing?

I am a freshman and I want to go to college but if I major in the wrong thing then what? How do I figure out what career I want to pursue based on my interests and what college education I need?

Pei Bin’s Avatar
Pei Bin Oct 31, 2022 1005 views

Is cs worth?

Is computer science or software engineering worth the time?

Junhao’s Avatar
Junhao Oct 24, 2022 691 views

What jobs can I do?

I am interest in math major, and my career goal is to have lots of time with my family, and well paid. What are some particular jobs that fits my requirements?

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 27, 2022 1527 views

What is the difference between these 2 jobs?

Hi im thinking about being a software developer but I keep on seeing software engineer. What are the cons and pros of a software engineer vs a software developer? Also thank you for all the help you guys have given me especially Randy Tolentino.

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Oct 24, 2022 1559 views

What are some useful resources that can help me become a software engineer?

What are some useful resources that can help me become a software engineer?

gary’s Avatar
gary Nov 08, 2022 1127 views

entry level programming jobs

What is a good entry- level job in programming ?