Niels Meersschaert
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What video editing software should I use on my phone?
I want to make my videos look really good for tiktok and maybe eventually youtube but I don't know what video editing software to use and I don't want to just put it on said app straight off my phone if I didn't film it there in the first place. I have capcut but I want something else free and...

What coding language is most used in the computer science field/ jobs?
As I am learning about some of the coding languages such as python and Java script, I am wondering which one is most commonly used when working in computer science. What do current companies/ software engineers use to create programs?

What is the highest level of education I should pursue to be a successful software engineer?
I want to go above and beyond. I want to be the person my coworkers turn to when they need help. How far should I go? Is it a waste of money to get a master's or doctorate? Is the return on investment worth the time and money I would have to put in to be successful?