Kyle Draper
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favorite part about Data Science?
What is your most favorite part about Data Science? Is there any fun task you favor?

How to be successful in the programming industry?
What is the environment working with other programmers? What computer languages should I learn? What are some tips to be successful in this very competitive field?

What steps can I take to play professional baseball?
I like to play baseball and I also like to play football but my dream has always been to play baseball. #baseball

How do you limit procrastination?
I think this has been an issue tons of people have because procrastination makes us lose some big opportunities. What are some tips that could help out with procrastination and increase my motivation to work?

What are some Jobs that will allow me to work in tech/google?
I'm a high school junior and would like to learn more about the tech field. I would love to learn about the different opportunities the tech field offers. I can also join clubs and get myself involved.

How often do you think about changing your career path? How do you professionally manage multiple interests/passions?
I have way too many things I want to pursue!