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Michael Rezler’s Avatar

Michael Rezler

Freeland, Michigan
3 Answers
4600 Reads
1 Karma

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Wendy’s Avatar
Wendy Oct 20, 2023 1218 views

What career and jobs should i choose?

I am in 9th grade and i am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests?

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Dec 13, 2022 2292 views

In your career, was there any obstacles that almost drove you away?

There are always cons to a job, but was there anything bad enough that almost made you stop what you love to do?

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Dec 13, 2022 1174 views

Do you expect hiring for the Computer Tech region to increase, decrease, or stay the same over the next few years?

The world is starting to use more technology and becoming more advanced so maybe the demand will start increasing.