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San Luis, Arizona
4 Questions
231 Karma

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Karla’s Avatar
Karla May 04, 2023 568 views

How to turn my weaknesses into one of my strengths?

I'm kind of a procrastinator but I always do my work at the last moment, I work better under pressure because I focus more on those types of moments.

Karla’s Avatar
Karla Apr 14, 2023 499 views

How do I can apply in a job?

If I am 16 years old and I want my first job, what are some things that I can introduce to my resume? It doesn't matter if I don't have any experience of a job? I want to have a good resume even if I am inexperienced.

Karla’s Avatar
Karla Mar 20, 2023 398 views

Which kinds of pests can you find in farms?

I've heard that Locusts can be found but I'm not sure if that's true or not. There are several pests that exist but I don't really know which ones can be found.

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Karla Mar 09, 2023 1215 views

How much money you should use while building a Cat Cafe?

I have heard that they use a lot of money to manage and have a stable place in the early starts of this, maybe it is a lie but I really want to know because I would like to have one.