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Erick Garcia’s Avatar

Erick Garcia

Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Fresno, California
9 Answers
21767 Reads
1 Karma

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Juan’s Avatar
Juan Mar 20, 2023 529 views

Is agriculture a profitable industry?

In Arizona is agriculture a good investment?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 07, 2023 4568 views

How do I stay true to my ethical beliefs and stay honest under pressure?

This is part of our professionals series

Miguel’s Avatar
Miguel Mar 13, 2023 6181 views

What inspired or influence you to choose your career?

How much do you enjoy your career?

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Mar 14, 2023 2879 views

When is a good time to start working. Like having an official career.


Edith’s Avatar
Edith Mar 17, 2023 3102 views

What does a good resume need to have for it to be competitive?

I am currently trying to get to an educational institute and become a TA for preschoolers with my experience from being a Resilience Corps Associate for the San José Public Library but they always declined my application because I don’t have ECE units. They tend to give the position to those...

danissa’s Avatar
danissa Mar 20, 2023 635 views

what is the best collage for agriculture ?

best collages, reasonable fees

Rafael’s Avatar
Rafael Mar 20, 2023 548 views

Is agriculture a good industry?

I want to know if agriculture makes good money and has good job security.

Eden’s Avatar
Eden Mar 20, 2023 1101 views

What does a typical day look like for a Construction Manager?

How long did the process take of becoming a Construction Manager?
What types of training or education would be needed to become a construction manager?
Thank you for answering!

Yaritza’s Avatar
Yaritza Mar 21, 2023 870 views

How many years does it take to become an aerospace engineer ?

How many years of college/university does it take? Do you have to do any more school besides going to college? Can you do less years in college to become an aerospace engineer?