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Bianca Hursh’s Avatar

Bianca Hursh

Strategic Finance Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Francisco, California
4 Answers
3059 Reads
31 Karma

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sophia’s Avatar
sophia Apr 13, 2023 825 views

How can I get internships while in college ?

I would like to get an internship while in college to get a head start in my career

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Apr 13, 2023 700 views

How do i make money well still in highschool?

I am currently a freshman in high school looking for advice on the best way for me to start making money well still having time for school

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Apr 12, 2023 606 views

How do I stay on track to becoming a office worker?

I need a job

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Apr 13, 2023 966 views

What are some tips to becoming motivated for school?

I am a Senior in high school