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Yogesh Deshpande’s Avatar

Yogesh Deshpande

IT Proffessional
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
4 Answers
7592 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Trusiah’s Avatar
Trusiah Jun 19, 2024 1112 views

What helped you find your profession?for IT person.

IT people what helped you find your profession

Lesly’s Avatar
Lesly Apr 17, 2023 3029 views

How can I become better at managing money?

I need different ways of managing money. I'm trying to start to save up for college but my money management is TERRIBLE.

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Apr 05, 2023 1571 views

How do you create a good resume?

I am a Senior in high school and I want to know how to create one know so that I wont have to worry later.

Sharon’s Avatar
Sharon Apr 17, 2023 2482 views

how do i get good at my job?

what needs to be done with what steps.