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Jesse Bartola’s Avatar

Jesse Bartola

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Cambridge, Massachusetts
7 Answers
6429 Reads
71 Karma

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Noah’s Avatar
Noah Apr 18, 2023 1425 views

are FRATS worth it in college?

I am curious about how it is

Raine’s Avatar
Raine Apr 18, 2023 1052 views

How do I earn some money on the side while keeping up with my jobs and classes?

I'm an undergraduate student, and I have three work study jobs. I'm wondering if there's any way I could bring in some side money, with a side hustle or something like that? I am really struggling to pay for everything.

ISAIAH’s Avatar
ISAIAH Apr 19, 2023 1250 views

What is the best way to save money?

I am a senior in high school

Zhanyah’s Avatar
Zhanyah Apr 19, 2023 718 views

What are some thing i can do to get my career started or at least lined up?

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Arco’s Avatar
Arco Apr 18, 2023 970 views

How can I cheaply build a compressed tapered waveguide from scratch?

My favorite classes are science and math. I have interests in electricity and microwaves.

Solomon’s Avatar
Solomon Apr 20, 2023 621 views

What would be the best way to start proggraming? Which scripting language should I start learning before I enter college?

Hi I am in highschool, I have wanted to start programming for a while but never knew how to really get started so I always put it off. I wanted to know what would be the best way to get started and how should i start off?

Sebastian’s Avatar
Sebastian Apr 18, 2023 486 views

How do get better at JavaScript?

How can I get better at JavaScript in my last 2 years of Highschool so if I get hacked I can use JavaScript against them and keep my things secure.