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Jalia’s Avatar


New York, New York
2 Questions
107 Karma

Jalia’s Career Goals

Real estate broker and architecture interior designer

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Jalia’s Avatar
Jalia May 21, 2023 454 views

What steps should I take to enter the realty and creative realty workforce?

Me and my partner are thinking about starting a realty business after we finish school. I’ve done some researching and I have a lot of questions. - Do we need the real estate broker license to lease and rent to residents? Is it a good idea to get the Real estate broker license to lease and...

Jalia’s Avatar
Jalia May 21, 2023 404 views

What would yu recommend for someone who is still in high school trying to get a head start on realty services? (Including but not limited to architecture, interior/exterior design, flipping and selling homes, real estate)

I would like to know what I can start on now to be able to reach my goal sooner when I finish school