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Dwight Lind’s Avatar

Dwight Lind

Consulting Civil Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Tucson, Arizona
4 Answers
1936 Reads
1 Karma

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Magezi’s Avatar
Magezi Aug 07, 2023 337 views

I've been doing my CE course here in Uganda but the pay doesn't look nice am looking at possibly advancing in a specific field to perhaps get better pay if at all any what would you recommend ?

Am currently in my last year of civil engineering

Efrain’s Avatar
Efrain May 04, 2023 290 views

Did you have an adult who is in that career to give you further info Did you take advanced placement classes in the field of your choice??

ima freshmen andi have always wanted to become a civil engineer

Sebastien’s Avatar
Sebastien Jun 12, 2023 367 views

Skills Needed To Land a Front-End Developer Internship/Job?

Hi, I am a rising Junior in college and although I am following the curriculum at my school, I often feel that there is more skills that I need to learn in order to reach my goal. Can someone give me some advice towards that ?

Titilayomi’s Avatar
Titilayomi Jun 15, 2023 554 views

As a woman in the engineering field, how should I navigate the field differently than my male peers?

As a woman in the engineering field, how should I navigate the field differently than my male peers?