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Jacob Silverman’s Avatar

Jacob Silverman

Austin, Texas
6 Answers
4952 Reads
52 Karma

Active Locations

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 26, 2023 1274 views

How do I become more comfortable with making mistakes or even failing? ?

Note: this is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform!

Adriana’s Avatar
Adriana Apr 29, 2023 516 views

What is that hardest part about finding a job after college? Do you have job opportunities right away or does it take a while? What’s the best way to get a job faster?

I’m looking to become a biomedical or electrical engineer

Case’s Avatar
Case Jun 27, 2023 1389 views

I want to be a consultant and would like some advice on the recruiting process

I am a college sophomore that wants to go into the consulting industry, what are some good tips for me as I begin the recruiting process ?

Asianni’s Avatar
Asianni Jun 28, 2023 475 views

How can you use a political science degree outside of being a lawyer?

to fight for rights and get heard by congress.

Mahaan’s Avatar
Mahaan Jun 28, 2023 1057 views

How do I break into the tech industry?

I am a college student looking to enter the tech industry.