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Arizona City, Arizona
2 Questions
226 Karma

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Harley Jul 10, 2023 1379 views

What major should you NOT go to college for?

Hello! As a college student in the middle of my career, I wanted to submit a question. What majors should students NOT go to college to study for? If you do list any majors: What do you recommend students do (instead) to pursue their career goals? I hope this question could help future...

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Harley Jul 02, 2023 1084 views

How to form a Startup? (for college students)

Hello! Long story short: I'm a college student that wants to form a start-up. With a business plan in mind, my main concern is getting financial support and launching it in the future. Unsure if there's startup pros here, but anyone have any tips for: How to start a start-up? Background:...