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Linto K David’s Avatar

Linto K David

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
5162 Reads
1 Karma

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Barbara’s Avatar
Barbara Jul 26 599 views

I need an advice on how to choose a career

I need an advice on how to choose a career

Kamora’s Avatar
Kamora Jul 26 1108 views

What are two things you learned about your favorite career path during the informational interview ?

need answers asap!!

Jianna’s Avatar
Jianna Jul 26 572 views

How can i know which career i want is best for me?

I just feel like in future i wont like what i will be doing.

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Jul 26, 2023 2054 views

How do I create a resume?

How do I create a resume that I will submit on a job application?

Zelandra’s Avatar
Zelandra Jul 26, 2023 1437 views

Can I return to first year in college if I decided to shift to a whole different course?

I was a freshman and dropped my subjects midyear in my previous course, finishing only the first semester. Can I return to first year in college if I decided to shift to a whole different course? Edit: You guys, I did not expect I'd get so much response from here. You have no idea how much...

David’s Avatar
David Jul 26, 2023 722 views

What are good careers that have good pay when it involves plumbing?

I am wanting to be a Plumber and want it to be my career because I have somewhat experience with working the waterworks and I want it to be my career but, I don't know what kind of plumbing I can do