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Jonathan Chen’s Avatar

Jonathan Chen

Senior Trust and Safety Product Specialist at LinkedIn
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Cambridge, Massachusetts
6 Answers
21442 Reads
161 Karma

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Ignacio’s Avatar
Ignacio Mar 05, 2014 1181 views

Does college name matter when pursuing a career in health?

When health professionals branch out and seek work in clinics, does the college or university matter? When two or more people compete for an open position, will they hire the person with the greatest experience or will they hire the person who went to a better known college? Like, a well known...

John’s Avatar
John Aug 12, 2013 1917 views

What are some of the ups and downs of being a emergency nurse?

I am a sophomore who is interested in learning about all the different jobs in the medical field. Is being an emergency nurse fun or difficult? What is a typical day like? What is a bad part? #medicine #nurse #healthcare #emergency

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa Feb 21, 2014 3437 views

What is the best piece of career advice you ever got?

I don't know if I can ask the perfect question for my particular situation, so I thought maybe I can ask you for the best advie you ever got about your own career. Maybe what helped you can be the perfect advice for me. Please share what your situation was and what the advice was. Thank you and...

BrendonD_af13’s Avatar
BrendonD_af13 Mar 29, 2013 1376 views

how to become a Director of a Sports Facilty

What does it take to be the director of a sports facility ?
And if I wanted to build my own, how would I got about doing that ? #majors #sports-management

Adam’s Avatar
Adam Jan 09, 2014 1918 views

How can I get a Game Reviewer job just coming out of High School?

I am a Junior in High School and I have been watching YouTube videos of "Let's Plays" (which are videos of people playing a certain game and recording it) and I've been really getting interested in this kind of thing. So I decided to research a little bit on if they make money or if it's an...

Jonya’s Avatar
Jonya Feb 11, 2014 11542 views

If I want to be a marine biologist, what activities should I do during high school?

I am not sure if I want to be a marine biologist but I might. I think it could be a fun job, and I could learn a lot about rare animals. If I want to be a marine biologist is there anything that I need to start doing now in high school to be prepared for college? #science #marine-biology...