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Sumona Ray’s Avatar

Sumona Ray

Business Transformation Manager
Management Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Jersey City, New Jersey
5 Answers
6777 Reads
1 Karma

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Logan’s Avatar
Logan Jun 29, 2023 1597 views

What's the best thing about consulting?

What's the best thing about consulting?

Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie Aug 17, 2023 2778 views

How can I become a business women?

My family and friends always say that I’m smart hardworking and persuasive and I know that you need them to become a business women but I know thats not all you need.

Carlos’s Avatar
Carlos Aug 24, 2023 1497 views

What are some steps to get into entrepreneurship?

I'm a senior in high school and I've wanted to get into entrepreneurship. I have little to no idea on how I can get started.

laina’s Avatar
laina Aug 26, 2023 473 views

What is the first step to starting a small business as a teen?

What is the first step to starting a small business for cosmetic items. This includes lashes, lip gloss, acrylic, and gel nails. I would also like to know if this is also the first step to starting a small baking goods/ treat business. Thank you!

Cassia’s Avatar
Cassia Nov 21, 2020 1610 views

What are some PM-focused books I can read?

I'm pursuing a product management position and I'd like to get into the mindset of being a PM. I'm currently a software developer. I know that experience is best, so I am working on that, but in the meantime, I'd love to know some books that I might be able to take a look at. Thanks!...