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Dionne Schmidt’s Avatar

Dionne Schmidt

Product Strategy / Program Management
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
3 Answers
4053 Reads
1 Karma

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Eric’s Avatar
Eric Aug 17, 2023 3018 views

What is Scrum and what is Agile?

I have a very basic understanding of what Agile is. I read over the Agile manifesto but I am still having a hard time fully understanding how it fits into software development. I have no real idea what Scrum or being a "Scrum Master" means. Ive heard the terms used before when referring to...

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours May 16, 2023 312 views

How can you write a resume for your dream job?

I am in college. My career exploration journey is computer engineering with machines in hospitals.

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

Yekalaivan’s Avatar
Yekalaivan Sep 02, 2023 919 views

How do you make yourself stand out from others in interviews?

I'm a tenth grader and I wanted to know some interview tips so that I can use them for the future. I'm also looking for internships (possibly engineering or medical) so please let me know if you have any good contacts!