Summer’s Career Goals
Aspiring LCSW and Humanitarian

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Do you have to transfer your associate's degree to your bachelors?
Hi, I am currently a rising junior who is taking dual enrollment classes in psychology. I was wondering that when I go to university do they take away my associates degree if they transfer the credits to my bachelors degree. I was wondering because If they didn't I could pursue a better-paying...

How could I possibly shadow or contribute to my mentoring?
I have found a mentor that is a professor and a social worker with her own practice. When we first met we discussed things I could do, such as research and just asking questions in general, one of her suggestions was to shadow, but we were both concerned about the ethical dilemmas that would...

What does it take to double major?
Hi, I am currently a sophomore high school student that is also minoring in psychology and will be earning my associates in 2025-2026. I am looking to double major in psychology and sociology. I'm not the greatest in statistics or maths so I am comprehending whether or not I should double...

I have really good internship offers for the medical field, but Im really only interested in the Mental Health field, does anyone have any recommendations to what I should do?
Hi, Currently I am a highschool student who is also minoring in psychology at community college and plans to double major in psychology and sociology, then earn a masters in social work, recently I was presented the opportunity to be inscribed with the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award...

Publishing Research Papers?
Hi, I am currently in highschool and I would like to publish a research paper, I would like to work on researching either Bipolar Disorder or Appropriation in the 21st century, do you have any advice? (I currently in the process of getting a mentor)

Any recommendations on how I can start a humanitarian aid organization?
Do you have any recommendations on how to start a humanitarian aid organization

Should I major in Sociology and minor in psychology or the other way around?
I am set on majoring in Sociology, but I would like to hear the opinions of others as well, in order to gain some more insight. I would like to work in the mental-health field, but also go on to do work with UNICEF and or other humanitarian organizations. I want a job where I can really connect...

Can you get an associate's degree in one subject and a bachelor's in another?
I am an aspiring LCSW in sophomore year. I am taking my associates in college this year, but I don't know if I should major in Psychology and English or Sociology and English (I have to take a college class for English, but It was also recommended that I take another dual college class as...

What are some good clubs to join if you are a aspiring therapist (major in sociology)?
I am currently a sophomore in high school (private) that does not offer a lot for the studies I want to pursue. I am hoping to join clubs outside of my school (tri-state area) that focus around sociology, can anyone suggest any clubs for me to join?