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John McNamara’s Avatar

John McNamara

Master Inventor
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Winchester, England, United Kingdom
16 Answers
13718 Reads
21 Karma



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Nabeel’s Avatar
Nabeel Apr 18 2143 views

What can I do in college to prepare myself for when I get a job?

I feel like I need some tips or some advice on how I can be prepared

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Oct 31, 2022 858 views

How to effectively manage transition to computing?

Hi, As a student of a conversion master's degree in Computing, I am struggling to understand how to plan the transition in my career efficiently. I would appreciate advise in the topic. I studied Business for my bachelor's degree and have two years of work experience in global marketing, now...

Ridwan’s Avatar
Ridwan Feb 17, 2023 756 views

what do I need to know as a data scientist?

I am an Msc student in data science and artificial intelligence. I had no previous background in programming hence I find it difficult to cope.

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Mar 18 997 views

How to get practice for exams with little methods of exam practice??

How can I improve in exams? I find them really hard to revise for since we are only given lecture content and past papers (with no answers) to revise from. In previous stages of education I found it much easier to revise by repetition of practice questions.

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Mar 18 1159 views

What to do career wise after bad uni grades?

I'm a 3rd year CS student and my overall grades for university are disappointing to say the least, and I'm not sure what I should do to progress after I'm done on my course. I don't feel like that grade will be enough to get a good grad job and I'm wondering what can be done to get the foot...

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Apr 22 1014 views

can i learn new skills in one month?

can i learn new skills in one month?

John’s Avatar
John Apr 22 642 views

How do you feel I could start up a career as an illustrator

How do you feel I could start up a career as an illustrator

Mark’s Avatar
Mark Apr 23 1570 views

Will I get opportunities to shift across technologies in IT companies like IBM, Capgemini?

In my internship, I got to work across a couple of tech.. Can I do that in large IT companies or will they make me stick to a random tech ?

Uduakobong’s Avatar
Uduakobong Feb 27 449 views

How do I get internships and build my career I am a university student studying It and Buisness but I feel like the job market is so saturated, it’s hard to get good jobs.?

How do I get internships and build my career ? I am a university student studying It and Buisness but I feel like the job market is so saturated, it’s hard to get good jobs.

Samra’s Avatar
Samra Oct 23, 2023 503 views

How would you suggest I approach finding a job in an Economic Consultancy I have a BSc in Economics from the University of York (UK) but I’ve been a practising artist/writer for the last 5 years.

I did work experience at Frontier Economics, but that was a while ago. Help! ?

Jen’s Avatar
Jen Jul 18, 2023 1613 views

Is artificial intelligence just a trend?

Is artificial intelligence just a trend?

Addy’s Avatar
Addy Oct 19, 2023 1398 views

Are there any simple ways to learn more about AI ?

I want to learn more about AI are there any simple ways to learn about AI and other technology or any good websites that are accessible.

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Dec 08, 2017 1191 views

Is the UK a good place for studying for a master's?

I want to pursue a masters degree and I am struggling between United States and United Kingdom. #masters-degree #career-path #masters #graduate-school #college #united-kingdom

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Oct 19, 2023 1182 views

how would I know what I wanna be ?

How would you know what carrier to choose out of all the carriers? At the beginning of 9th when highs school just started because I don't know what I wanna be. I would like to be pediatrician because I like kids but I won't like to do that my rest of my life. I feel like I would like to pick a...