Angel’s Career Goals
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Mechanical Engineers, What was the reason you choose Mechanical Engineering?
Mechanical engineers, what was the reason you chose to graduate as a mechanical engineer?, do you like your career? As a job?, do you think you made the right choice picking mechanical engineering instead of civil, software, etc. (other branches of engineering). Im a high school student that...

Does it matter where you get your college degree from, if you wanna work at a big tech company?
I’m a senior in high school and I want to study computer science to become a programmer, the thing is that college is can be sort of expensive, I wanted to go out of state to a tech school but it is kind of pricey, the thing is that a college near me offers a computer science program as well...

How do you get into the field of computer science and is it worth it ?
I’m a senior in high-school and I though of persuading a career in computer science, but my problem is; will it be difficult for me to get a job afterwards and will it be worth it?