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Will Butler’s Avatar

Will Butler

Senior Scrum Master
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Denver, Colorado
3 Answers
5212 Reads
1 Karma



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Saskia’s Avatar
Saskia Aug 06, 2023 692 views

How do you know what profession will suit you?

I'm sure the last thing anyone would want is to be stuck with a job that they hate for the rest of their life.

Aislyn’s Avatar
Aislyn Sep 21, 2023 2004 views

What is one thing you wish you knew about your job before you started it?

I am hoping to study business and wanna know what the field will be like.

allaya’s Avatar
allaya Jun 21, 2023 2806 views

what should i study psychology or computer science?

im really into psychology and i plan on getting a bachelor’s degree in it and then do law but i also like computer science (kinda scared of the math part tho) and i wanna major in it. but i’ve taken economics and dropped off math completely and since most colleges require you to study math for...