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Dawn Baker’s Avatar

Dawn Baker

Senior Manager Service Operations at LinkedIn
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Cambridge, Massachusetts
5 Answers
21893 Reads
61 Karma

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John’s Avatar
John Oct 04, 2013 13253 views

Did your college help you a lot to get your first job?

Hi, My name is Annemarie and I am in highschool. I heard that colleges have job offices that help students get jobs, but they do not guarantee jobs. Some of my older cousins said that they didn't think their college was very helpful for getting a job. Did you get your first job from your...

Cynthia’s Avatar
Cynthia Jan 06, 2014 1603 views

As a social worker, what is the process of the client paper work after you meet with them ?

I'm a Senior in high School , and i might like to become a social worker in the future. #social-worker #mental-health-counseling

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa Feb 21, 2014 3437 views

What is the best piece of career advice you ever got?

I don't know if I can ask the perfect question for my particular situation, so I thought maybe I can ask you for the best advie you ever got about your own career. Maybe what helped you can be the perfect advice for me. Please share what your situation was and what the advice was. Thank you and...

Laetus’s Avatar
Laetus Apr 27, 2013 1276 views

What is the daily life like for an occupational therapist?

I want to be an occupational therapist and I want to know what's the day to day work like....Thank you! #healthcare

Shatasia’s Avatar
Shatasia Sep 22, 2012 2718 views

Are you most likely to find a career through highschool internships?

I am a sophomore and my school does internships. People have told me that they lead to great careers sometimes. I want to know if this is true. Please help! #internships