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Elijah’s Avatar


Rogers, Minnesota
5 Questions
311 Karma

Elijah’s Career Goals

I would like to go into coding as a software engineer. I would also like to go into 3D animation or 3D modeling. I would also like to pursue computer engineering.



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Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Oct 02, 2023 533 views

What are some steps that I should take in order to get a job in computer science?

I am a sophomore in high school interested in going to college for computer science. I am already very familiar with coding and how computers work.

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Elijah Oct 02, 2023 479 views

Is it a good time to try to pursue a degree in computer science?

I'm a sophomore in high school, but I'm already very interested in coding, particularly game development.

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Elijah Sep 28, 2023 638 views

What are some helpful high school classes that I should take if I want to get a career in software engineering?

I am currently very familiar with coding and I'm good at math as well. I also am very interested in graphic design and 3D modeling. I like coding and doing 3D work in Blender in my freetime.

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Elijah Sep 28, 2023 1009 views

What is some software and hardware that I should get familiar with if I wish to pursue a career in computer science?

I am a high school student who wishes to go into some sort of field in computer science. I am very familiar with Unity and C# currently as well as Blender.

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Elijah Sep 28, 2023 387 views

Is it difficult to get into computer graphics engineering?

3D engineering and modeling specifically.