Lauren Carter
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How can I find an online part time job or irl while attending college?
I’m currently a college freshman student majoring in nursing in College of the Canyons. I’m planning to transfer to CSUN in 2 years. As someone who’s inexperienced, I really want to earn money for myself
what is the best route to become a forensic pathologist
What is the best route in college (classes/major/involvement) to become a forensic pathologist?
How do i become a international lawyer?
I would like to know what major i should take, i'm 16 in hopes to become a lawyer any type of lawyer really.
how do you know that youve chosen the right thing to major in what if i change my mind on what i want to study?
im a senior applying to colleges and filing out scholarship apps and was wondering what would happen if i decided i dont like my major.? im a senior applying to colleges and filing out scholarship apps and was wondering what would happen if i decided i dont like my major.
How can I do radiology/sonograms at the same time as real estate?
I am interested in both careers however, I am wondering how I will manage my hours to do both.