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Columbia, Missouri
4 Questions
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Samantha Dec 21, 2023 532 views

What is some advice you wish you received before you began an education to be a therapist?

I am already almost done with my bachelors degree in psychology, and I've recently realized I haven't thought about what steps I need to take to continue my education. Any advice helps!

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Dec 21, 2023 1386 views

What are some pros and cons of different types of therapist careers?

I'm still not entirely sure what kind of therapist I want to be. Although, two that have caught my eye are cognitive-behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy, but there are so many more to choose from! If I'm being honest, I'm scared to pursue an education as one or the other...

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Samantha Dec 21, 2023 5283 views

Who can I get a letter of recommendation from if I completed my bachelors degree online?

I need a few letters of recommendation for graduate school, but I'm not sure who to ask because I haven't interacted with my college professors much at all.

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Samantha Dec 19, 2023 4781 views

What are recommended schools that offer online programs for a masters in counseling?

Preferably seeking colleges that are highly accredited and easy to get scholarships for.