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Emily Pepper’s Avatar

Emily Pepper

Financial Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Hopkinton, Massachusetts
4 Answers
11036 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Danica’s Avatar
Danica Nov 08, 2023 1128 views

Did you have a job during College?

How many credits were you taking while working?

Alden’s Avatar
Alden Nov 16, 2023 1891 views

What is the smartest thing to do while in high school to succeed in college and later in your first job?

What is the smartest thing to do while in high school to succeed in college and later in your first job?

merissa’s Avatar
merissa Dec 13, 2023 3115 views

How can I graduate early??

How can I graduate early??

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Jan 08, 2024 5790 views

Is a Business Major a good fit?

Hi, I am a junior in High school looking at graduating with an Associate's and hoping to nail down a major. I previously thought about psychology or creative writing but they don't feel like the right fit. I really enjoy writing and want to find a job I can be creative with. I also want a...