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Ashwini’s Avatar
Ashwini Feb 21 1577 views

Is it true that it is easy for IITians to get into MBA programmes in top business schools abroad? Is it impossible for students from other institutes (like MSRIT, etc.) who are equally qualified with GMAT scores?

I've heard that most of the students from india who get into mba programmes abroad are IITians and very few of the students of other institutes in India get into the same programme. Is it a myth or reality and why?

Jacinta’s Avatar
Jacinta Jun 29, 2023 2147 views

When is the best time to start reaching out to college coaches for Division 3 sports?

I am going into my junior year of high school and was considering playing basketball in college.

Payton’s Avatar
Payton Feb 16 779 views

In your career do you think you fit the stereotype?

I am a sophomore in high school, I want to know how well people fit into their careers and the characteristics needed for the job.