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Katie Jacobs’s Avatar

Katie Jacobs

Strategy Consultant
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Houston, Texas
8 Answers
12253 Reads
11 Karma

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Joanne’s Avatar
Joanne Apr 11, 2024 586 views

What are some potential career path in the field of environmental science, and how can I prepare for them?

Hi, I'm Joanne, a 16-year-old with a passion for the environment. Recently, I've been considering my career options and how I can contribute positively to the world around me. Environmental science has always intrigued me because it offers opportunities to study and protect the natural world...

ella’s Avatar
ella Mar 27, 2024 1368 views

How do I manage my time better?

What is the best way to manage your time? I am a student athlete and I play 2 high school and 2 club sports. I currently have a 3.6 gpa which is good but I feel stressed all of the time during the sports season because I feel like I never have time to study or get homework done. I am also a...

americ’s Avatar
americ Apr 06, 2024 1024 views

what is the best business idea?

business tips

sophia’s Avatar
sophia Dec 22, 2023 1614 views

Why is it so embarrassing to start a sport?

Hi, I'm 14 and thinking of trying a sport, but it feels a bit embarrassing when I see younger kids who've been at it longer and are better. Any advice on this? Thinking about ballet, horseback riding, or karate.

Jackson’s Avatar
Jackson Nov 27, 2023 1323 views

How can I get a part time job that is well paying while in middle school while playing 2 sports?

I am a 14 year old 8th grade student who also plays basketball and baseball. My parents do not pay for my sports equipment so I am seeking advice to try and help me find and manage a part time job while being a multi sport student-athlete.

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Dec 22, 2023 2064 views

How do I make myself stand out when looking for a business management job?

I think I may go to college whenever I get a baseball scholarship to! The college must have some sort of business degree!

lia’s Avatar
lia Dec 11, 2023 5419 views

If I want to study business management, what should I expect?

I really want to major in business management because I want to work in big events like sport events and be part of making events possible, but I don't know if it is for me because I am not so god at math and numbers.

Zaharaddeen’s Avatar
Zaharaddeen Jan 04, 2024 941 views

How did you figure out your career choice?

I love sports punditry, i am also pretty good with computers. I want to make the best choice