Katie Jacobs
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What are some potential career path in the field of environmental science, and how can I prepare for them?
Hi, I'm Joanne, a 16-year-old with a passion for the environment. Recently, I've been considering my career options and how I can contribute positively to the world around me. Environmental science has always intrigued me because it offers opportunities to study and protect the natural world...

How do I manage my time better?
What is the best way to manage your time? I am a student athlete and I play 2 high school and 2 club sports. I currently have a 3.6 gpa which is good but I feel stressed all of the time during the sports season because I feel like I never have time to study or get homework done. I am also a...

Why is it so embarrassing to start a sport?
Hi, I'm 14 and thinking of trying a sport, but it feels a bit embarrassing when I see younger kids who've been at it longer and are better. Any advice on this? Thinking about ballet, horseback riding, or karate.

How can I get a part time job that is well paying while in middle school while playing 2 sports?
I am a 14 year old 8th grade student who also plays basketball and baseball. My parents do not pay for my sports equipment so I am seeking advice to try and help me find and manage a part time job while being a multi sport student-athlete.

How do I make myself stand out when looking for a business management job?
I think I may go to college whenever I get a baseball scholarship to! The college must have some sort of business degree!

If I want to study business management, what should I expect?
I really want to major in business management because I want to work in big events like sport events and be part of making events possible, but I don't know if it is for me because I am not so god at math and numbers.

How did you figure out your career choice?
I love sports punditry, i am also pretty good with computers. I want to make the best choice