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Patricia Wright’s Avatar

Patricia Wright

Financial Analyst
Chicago, Illinois
5 Answers
3961 Reads
1 Karma

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Jerry’s Avatar
Jerry May 15 1003 views

How can I get enrolled for internship with a tech company ?

What is the best way to get started on applying for internships or gaining experience in the field of computer engineering?

I'm a college student pursuing a major in computer engineering. I want to gain experience in the field to be ready for the workforce. How would I get started in doing so?

klaus’s Avatar
klaus May 30 1376 views

what should i do to become best computer guru?

Im just curious to know almost everything in computer field.

Rodgers’s Avatar
Rodgers May 29 1592 views

What is the best degree in the world?

What is the best degree in the world?

Ty’s Avatar
Ty Jan 19 1200 views

How can I be able to choose a career when I can't be able to make decisions ?

I find it difficult to explain myself

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Jan 25 1142 views

How do I make money on the internet?

How do I become a pro marketer on the internet in this time of the world. It seems super complicated and I want to make money on the internet. And would like more money to invest