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Payton’s Avatar


Elk River, Minnesota
3 Questions
251 Karma

Payton’s Career Goals

I want to be a high paid hair stylist, that is happy with my job.

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Payton Feb 16 676 views

How much money did you make in the begging compared to now?

As I look into jobs and my future career, I want to know how I can build up to a higher paying career.

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Payton Feb 16 1394 views

How many hours do you work a week, or a day?

Me looking into jobs I also look at the amount of hours needed to work because I don't want my whole life to be work.

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Payton Feb 16 778 views

In your career do you think you fit the stereotype?

I am a sophomore in high school, I want to know how well people fit into their careers and the characteristics needed for the job.