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jeberiah’s Avatar
jeberiah Jun 29, 2022 1478 views

I am interested in becoming a police officer

#1: What are the values your company upholds that makes them employers that you want to work for?

#2: What values does a company look for in a person they are hiring?

#3: How do you stay motivated as a police officer day-by-day?

Carly’s Avatar
Carly Jul 05, 2023 2229 views

What are the best schools for law. I am a sophomore going into my junior year, and I need advice on what colleges I should look into. I also wanted to ask if the University of Chicago is a good school for law and if I should go there because they have been contacting me for a while now.?

Should I email the colleges I am interested in and reach out to their admissions offices early. Also how can I earn scholarships easier. I do online school right now and plan to go back to actual school this coming school year.

Carly’s Avatar
Carly Apr 24, 2024 559 views

Should I wait a year to go to uni and what major should I choose?

What major should I go into and should I wait a year to go to uni? I am 16 and graduated highschool a year and a half early and have no idea what to do next. I decided what college to go but my father thinks I should do a year at community college and then switch to uni. I also have been...

Whitney’s Avatar
Whitney Mar 14, 2023 567 views

What City and State has the highest salary for a Child Psychiatrist??

hello nice to meet you

Leire’s Avatar
Leire Apr 25, 2024 831 views

#Spring24 - Journalism Question

If I am interested in pursuing journalism, should I begin my undergraduate by studying English? Or should I go directly into journalism/communications? #Spring24

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Apr 23, 2024 320 views

What is the relevance of ecology in biology ?

What is the relevance of ecology in biology

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Nov 26, 2014 1596 views

How would I go about becoming a secondary education teacher/school administrator?

I am a high school junior at Boston Collegiate with a solid GPA and lots of extracurricular activities that I enjoy partaking in. I love tutoring kids of all ages, from homework help to studying for quizzes. That being said, I'd like to become a high school English teacher, but I am also...

Gracie’s Avatar
Gracie Apr 24, 2024 517 views

What is organic chemistry ?

I want to know more About organic chemistry and how to prepare some of the organic compound with their structural formulas included. Thanks very much for your time

Mihaela’s Avatar
Mihaela Apr 24, 2024 908 views

What is the difference between a lead radiation therapist and a regular radiation therapist? #Spring24

I was curious about career growth in this field and saw that there was a position that could advance you to a lead radiation therapist. What duties does this entail? Are there any requirements besides experience such as further education? Thank you! #Spring24

Lex’s Avatar
Lex Apr 24, 2024 1484 views

What do screenwriters do (their full job) ?

What do screenwriters do? Do they just write scripts or come up with the movie/ show idea and write for the script? Also who do they work with? Like directors, producers.

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Sep 20, 2023 2208 views

What are good remote jobs?

What are remote part-time jobs that I can do as a high school student? Specifically, I am looking for entry level coding jobs.

Abby’s Avatar
Abby May 28, 2023 730 views

What is the secret to getting an online/remote job?

I bounce between my home in Houston and my college location which is about an hour and a half away. Got any tips for jobs that are online & flexible?

Jeremy’s Avatar
Jeremy Mar 30, 2015 3211 views

How do I become a professional archer?

I'm very athletic and I love archery. I want to do something with my career that has something to do with archery. #athletics #archery

Simran’s Avatar
Simran Apr 24, 2024 422 views

Are there any major and/or minor for Environmental Law?

I'm currently in high school and I am interested in Environmental Science and Law.

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Jun 10, 2022 872 views

What are the main responsibilities as a Immigration And Customs Inspector?

Do they change constantly? If they do, How you adapt to them? Are the responsibilities stressful?