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Melissa’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
5 Questions
306 Karma

Melissa’s Career Goals

I want to work in healthcare and service in some way. I would prefer to be a vet to take care of animals or a dental hygienist to help doctors make people happy.



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Melissa Apr 19 465 views

Why be a veternarian?

What led you to choose to be a vet? What do you like about it and why did you want to do it.

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Melissa Apr 19 412 views


What is the most challenging thing about being a veterinarian while training or working on the job?

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Melissa Apr 16 630 views


What does it take to have success in the professional world.

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Melissa Mar 29 520 views

How much years in college do you need to become a veterinarian?

What's the best college to take here in the bay

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Melissa Mar 22 453 views

How much do veterinary doctors make?

#veterinary doctors #Helptheanimals