Career questions tagged vet-school

Why be a veternarian?
What led you to choose to be a vet? What do you like about it and why did you want to do it.

What is the most challenging thing about being a veterinarian while training or working on the job?

What advice do you have for someone wanting to be a veterinarian.?
Hello, I have always wanted to be a veterinarian but now as I'm headed for university I have a lot of doubts and questions. How hard is it to get into veterinary school? What was the most challenging part and what tips would you give to someone going into their undergrad?

What should I do before I apply to colleges and related programs/scholarships in order to have a competitive application that stands out?
I am getting ready to go into my senior year of high school and want to make the most out of it before I apply to colleges and related programs/scholarships. I am interested in doing biochemistry and animal sciences, considering double majoring. My long term goal is to go to vet school. I already work at a vet clinic, have lots of leadership and volunteer experience, get good grades, have shadowed veterinarians, and take many science/health classes. I have also been very involved inside and outside of school in a variety of activities. Lately I’ve tried to find more opportunities related to animals. I feel like I’m in a good place for applying to colleges but is there anything I should be doing to stand out? I want to apply for competitive programs such as Purdue’s Veterinary Scholars Program.

Do global internships benefit you when it comes to veterinary school applications??
I'm currently an undergraduate looking to apply to vet school in a few years. I know that having relevant experience is crucial, so I've been applying for lots of internships. I fond some summer opportunities abroad, but there are steep program fees and I'm wondering if entry into these would be more beneficial to my application since most revolve around research or wildlife rehabilitation with animals in a setting that may not be as readily available in the US. #internship #science #college #veterinary #job #admissions #veterinary-school #vet-school #veterinarian #research #global #grad-school #graduate-school #resume #application #work

How important are clubs/extracurricular activities in comparison to coursework or internships??
Does joining clubs or extracurricular activities during your years as an undergraduate significantly impact your resume or chances at graduate school or is it better to keep that to a minimum and focus on getting work experience and taking a rigorous course load?? # #college #grad-school #graduate-school #veterinarian #vet-school #veterinary-school #application #resume #college-admissions #college-advice #job #internship

Is it more beneficial to have unpaid internships and more of a variety of experience or paid work with strong connections, but not as much of a variety of experience??
I'm hoping to make my future applications to veterinary school as strong as possible and I'm wondering if paid work is given more consideration even if it isn't necessarily as varied as having multiple unpaid internships in a range of sub-fields. # #internship #volunteer #college #vet-school #veterinary-school #veterinarian #application #experience #resume

Does completing your undergraduate degree in three years as opposed to four negatively affect your prospects of professional school??
I'm hoping to attend graduate school for veterinary medicine, but I'm curious as to whether finishing my undergraduate studies early would hinder me even if I acquired lots of experience beforehand and completed all of the necessary credits. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. #college #medicine #graduate-school #school #veterinary #veterinary-medicine #veterinary-school #vet-school #degree

Where do i start
I'm planning on becoming a veterinarian school and how do you get into vet school? What are the steps taken to accomplish that goal?? I have thought about shadowing a local veterinarian to get an inside scoop. #school #vet-school #veterinarian

What education is needed to become a veterinarian?
I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college #veterinarian #biology #animal-science #vet-school Things you can consider for this specific question... What is the highest degree needed to become a veterinarian? How long does it take to become a veterinarian? What is a good undergraduate major for a veterinarian? If you are a veterinarian, what steps did you take to complete your education?

What recommendations do you have on getting into Vet school ?
I plan to go to vet school after undergrad but these schools are especially selective and difficult to get into. What are your recommendations for things that I can work on that will set me apart from other applicants? #animallovers #veterinarian #medicine #vet-school #applications