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Cliff Schreier’s Avatar

Cliff Schreier

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Rochester, Minnesota
35 Answers
21394 Reads
41 Karma

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joyce’s Avatar
joyce 17 hours ago 170 views

What is the best way to apply for a job?

I have never had to apply for a job before. How important is a resume?

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Dec 12 244 views

Is there a certain time limit on completing a job as an electrician and if there is what is the usual time limit?

I'm a 10th grader and I'm interested in electrical work.

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Dec 03 687 views

Have you attended any career fairs or networking events? Were they helpful?

I am a sophomore psychology student hoping to gain insight on possible career paths, but am unsure if networking events are worth going to.

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Oct 30 153 views

How should you decide on your career?

In High School

Kimora’s Avatar
Kimora Oct 11 329 views

Should I go to college and try it or is there some other jobs I should pursue?

I'm 17 and I'm practically stumped about what I want to pursue after high school. I don't want to really go to college and I really want to get a high paying job but it would be very limited without a degree. I've considered numerous thing CNA hell even the military but I just want to find...

Augusto’s Avatar
Augusto Oct 07 259 views

How competitive are engineering degrees?

Are engineering degrees highly sought after and what does the environment look like after you get one?

Simon’s Avatar
Simon Oct 07 398 views

Is computer science a good field to get into, what are the pro and cons of it How would you prepare for it?

I am a senior and do not really know what major is right for me. The only major I have considered is computer science because everything else doesn't seem right for me.

Diego’s Avatar
Diego Oct 09 299 views

What do I need to be aware of if I want to get into engineering?

I am a freshman in highschool looking to become an engineer when I grow up.

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Sep 19 2584 views

I want to work with kids, but not as a teacher or in the medical field. Ideas?

I am looking for a career that involves working with children in some way, but is not teaching or in the medical field. I enjoy working with kids and am very good at it, however am struggling to find a field of study fit for me. Any ideas would be much appreciated!!

Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Sep 19 365 views

I have a best friend who i'm dating currently, and we plan on going to the same college so that in the future we can move in together, what is a good college where he can major in coding, and I can major in engineering?

I really need some advice.

Julian’s Avatar
Julian Aug 29 193 views

How do I take ap classes

I want to take ap classes in high school and college I am a student in middle school and I have ok grades but I want to go to college

Polo’s Avatar
Polo Aug 28 326 views

How can I be a engineer

How can I become a mechanical engineer and what education do I have to take for engineering and what college degree do I need to apply for being a engineer

S’s Avatar
S Aug 29 553 views

What to do if I have no APs/Honors/Extracurriculars (a shy homeschooled Junior in HS who wants to pursue either becoming a lawyer or something in the forensic science area)?

I feel very behind and stressed because though I do make good grades, I know that I should have at least a few of these things but I don’t. I know the best way is for me to just do something about it but I’m not sure on how to go about it. I also feel stressed because I’m not 100% for sure...

Jazzy’s Avatar
Jazzy Aug 26 1053 views

What are some good volunteering jobs?

Well I would like to help out my city more so what can I do to do that? {It doesn't have to included getting payed.

Jazzy’s Avatar
Jazzy Aug 21 412 views

What is better? Going to collage? Or going straight to being a professional soccer player athlete?

If you can give me pros and cons about both collage and skipping collage that would be great!